RBR Link

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World of ideas

Integrated EMV Ready Credit Card Processing

The main card processors Solutions has teamed up with RBR Link as an integrated partner for credit and debit card payment services. RBR LINK has been very careful in selecting only processors that provide our customers with security and savings for their businesses.

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  • SMSDailyDeals

    SMS Marketing Service

    It's a new way to keep consistent approach with customers, offering a variety of different business benefits from electronic coupons, discounts alerts, etc. Consumers take advantage of opportunities for good deals and sellers enrich the database according to customer needs.
    The benefits are:

  • Attract new customers and keep them coming back with affordable, attractive gift cards. Choose from an assortment of pre-designed cards, imprinted with your logo, or create customized cards to match your brand. RbrLink makes it easy and affordable to start a quality gift card program.

  • It costs a business about 5-10 times more to acquire a new customer than it does to sell to an existing one and on average those current customers of yours spend 67% more than a new one. So, what are you doing to keep your customers coming back to your business? If you’re like 65% of marketers, your company must have to implemented a loyalty program.
    These allow you to reward your clients for being constant, offering a variety of benefits; access to new products, coupons or store points for prizes. This will generate your clients feel encouraged to get the cards and continue to consume in your stores, also will help to attract more consumers, generating WOM advertising.